This is a preview of our Partner Podcast series from The Birth Hour. These episodes release every Friday for our listener supporters at the $10+ level via Patreon.
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Arden is a grief and bereavement doula who found her calling to help others through pregnancy loss after a long fertility journey to her son, Cameron. In this episode, she opens up about pregnancy and live childbirth after infertility and loss.
This episode is sponsored by Fairhaven Health, which is generously offering 15% of all of their products with the code BIRTHHOUR at
Hattie shares her two birth stories and discusses birth and postpartum resources in a rural community.
This episode is sponsored by Baby Cube. For a limited time, BabyCube is offering 20% off to birth hour listeners with the coupon code BIRTHHOUR20 at
Lola worked during most of her pregnancy and walked 6 km a day. She was quite scared about going into labor, so she chose a doctor who really made her feel confident about herself. The doctor had a reputation of standing back during most of the delivery and letting things follow their natural course, and would step in as needed. Another important factor that made things easier was that the hospital was only a 3 minute walk away from their apartment.
Become a Patron:
This is a preview of our Partner Podcast series from The Birth Hour. These episodes release every Friday for our listener supporters at the $10+ level via Patreon.
Go to to become a patron and receive access to these weekly partner episodes as well as other bonuses such as access to over 350 archived episodes, membership in our private Facebook group, and other bonus content.
We are so appreciative of your support!
Brittany shares her two birth stories.
Today’s episode is sponsored by Advanced Nutrition by Zahler. Visit for an exclusive 25% off toward your purchase on Amazon using code PREDHA25.
Caroline and Matt tried everything under the sun to turn their baby head down in an effort to avoid a c-section: moxibustion, acupuncture, Spinning Babies, flips in the pool, and two ECVs. Ultimately, Caroline found acceptance in a scheduled c-section and loved her birth experience. She was able to advocate for all of the gentle cesarean practices including immediate skin to skin, a clear drape, arms free, music playing, etc.
This is a preview of our Partner Podcast series from The Birth Hour. These episodes release every Friday for our listener supporters at the $10+ level via Patreon.
Go to to become a patron and receive access to these weekly partner episodes as well as other bonuses such as access to over 350 archived episodes, membership in our private Facebook group, and other bonus content.
We are so appreciative of your support!
Meghan shares about her molar pregnancy and loss, and her subsequent hospital births with a midwife.
Victoria shares her three birth stories.
This is a preview of our Partner Podcast series from The Birth Hour. These episodes release every Friday for our listener supporters at the $10+ level via Patreon.
Go to to become a patron and receive access to these weekly partner episodes as well as other bonuses such as access to over 350 archived episodes, membership in our private Facebook group, and other bonus content.
We are so appreciative of your support!
After being faced with needing to transfer care at 34 weeks, Georgiana wound up letting go of the “hypnobirth of her dreams” due to the need for an urgent caesarean section at 37 weeks.
After a fairly normal pregnancy, Nicky developed high blood pressure at 37 weeks and had to be induced. Despite a long labor she was able to have the epidural-free birth she’d hoped for. Postpartum, she struggled with triple feeding and was diagnosed with Insufficient Glandular Tissue.
This is a preview of our Partner Podcast series from The Birth Hour. These episodes release every Friday for our listener supporters at the $10+ level via Patreon.
Go to to become a patron and receive access to these weekly partner episodes as well as other bonuses such as access to over 350 archived episodes, membership in our private Facebook group, and other bonus content.
We are so appreciative of your support!
Rachael shares the stories of her hospital birth and brain surgery a few weeks postpartum.