Brenna shares her epidural-free birth story and discusses testing positive for GBS, but not receiving antibiotics due to the rapid onset of active labor.
Keelie shares her two different birth experiences, one with and one without an epidural.
On this episode, Annie shares her three birth stories, and having postpartum depression and pelvic floor issues.
This is a preview of our Partner Podcast series from The Birth Hour. These episodes release every Friday for our listener supporters at the $10+ level via Patreon.
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Madison shares her two cesarean birth stories, and how her preparation for the second made for a positive birth and postpartum experience.
Aubrey shares her two brith stories. Find her birth videos on the show-notes page!
This is a preview of our Partner Podcast series from The Birth Hour. These episodes release every Friday for our listener supporters at the $10+ level via Patreon.
Go to to become a patron and receive access to these weekly partner episodes as well as other bonuses such as access to over 350 archived episodes, membership in our private Facebook group, and other bonus content.
We are so appreciative of your support!
A few days before Jenny was 41 weeks with her fifth baby, she came to the Midwife Center to start a natural induction - pumping and walking. After a few hours, her water broke and her labor began.
Lori shares her 2- year pregnancy journey, birth story, and discusses her postpartum complications.
Before she was even pregnant, Loi had read all there is to read about pregnancy and childbirth. She knew that she wanted an unmedicated birth, and began to prepare herself by learning all she could about labor and delivery. After a smooth pregnancy, Loi had a home water birth with a midwife attending in Nairobi, Kenya!
Nikki shares the birth of her twins and shares advice for NICU parents.